Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Welcome to Kids By Nature!

Have you ever wished that you could expose your kids to nature more often, but aren't sure where to start?  We are starting this site to provide tips on kid-friendly trails, campgrounds, and gear.  We love the outdoors and we want to share our passion with other families!

Who are the Kids By Nature experts?

Mrs. H is an aquatics expert by profession and city-girl turned outdoor enthusiast.  She enjoys hiking, mountain biking, and off-road triathlons.

Mr. H is a professor by profession, and a life-long adventurer.  Raised by hippies, he's been backpacking since he was 3.  His primary outdoor interests include mountaineering, ice climbing, and off-road triathlons.

Lil' H is a 2-year old force of nature who loves camping in her "twailer," tormenting our dog, and riding her Strider bike.  She's our resident beta-tester for kid friendly gear.

Keep following Kids By Nature for gear reviews, trail suggestions, and camping tips.  If you have specific questions, please contact us by email or post on our Facebook page.

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