Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Camping 101: Where Do I Start?

If you've never been camping before, or you haven't been since your days as a happy camper at 'Camp Wannahockaloogie', it can be intimidating to put together a camping trip.  Here are some tips for pulling of a successful camping trip for your family!

1. Go with friends!  Specifically, go with friends who have been camping and can help you.  There are a lot of advantages to going camping with friends.  You can split up meal planning responsibilities.  You can bond around the campfire together.  And best off all, you can share gear!

2. Try before you buy!  If you've never been camping, and you're not sure you're going to like it, don't invest in a lot of expensive gear.  Instead, borrow gear from friends or rent it from local gear shops.  If you end up loving camping, you'll already have a good idea of what type of gear you like and don't like.  When you are ready to invest, check out for great deals on outdoor clothing and equipment.

3. Keep it simple!  Maybe a nine-day backpacking trip over the Sierra Nevada's isn't the best place to start (although that was Mrs. H's first outdoorsy experience, and she was hooked!).  Instead, start with a one- or two-night camping trip at a campground that's close to home (in case you need to bail).  Go during warm weather so you don't need any special gear.  Keep meal time easy by bringing pre-packaged food like mac n' cheese, granola bars, and instant oatmeal.

4. What do I really need?  Surprisingly, not much.  Sure, there are families like us who devote half of their living space to gear storage, but you don't have to be a zealot about it!

  • Somewhere to sleep: An RV, a trailer, a pop-up camper, a tent, or a hammock between two trees all work great
  • Something to sleep on: Your rv/camper might have beds, or yu could use a blow-up mattress, a Thermarest, or even an inflatable pool raft
  • Something to sleep in: If you are sleeping on a mattress, just bring sheets and blankets from home.  If you are going for the full camping experience, use a sleeping bag.
  • Something to eat: Don't worry about a gourmet dining experience.  Just stick to pre-packaged foods in the beginning, you can graduate to gourmet dutch oven dinners over a campfire when you get more experience under your belt!  You might need to bring water for drinking and cooking, check your campground ahead of time to see if there is water available.  Don't forget graham crackers, Hershey bars, and marshmallows - what is camping without s'mores?
  • Some safety essentials:  Even if the weather is gorgeous during the day, it's sure to turn colder at night so always pack a warm layer for every member of your group.  Also, make sure to bring a flashlight, headlamp, or lantern as well as a simple first aid kit.
We'll get into more specifics in future posts about campfire cooking, gear tips, and packing lists.  If you have specific questions, let us know!

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