Sunday, February 8, 2015

Gear Review: LuminAID Solar Inflatable Light

Since this is our first official product review, let us state for the record that we do not receive any endorsement or compensation for our reviews.  These are just our honest opinions of gear we have first-hand experience with.  Now with that out of the way...

There are many things to love about the luminAID Inflatable Solar Light.  This reusable solar-powered lantern was developed by two female graduate students who were asked to design a product to assist post-earthquake relief efforts in Haiti.  In it's deflated state, it's smaller than an iPhone and much lighter.  When exposed to the sun, it charges the battery for an LED lamp. Hikers can strap it to the top of their backpacks during a hike, or just leave it on the picnic table at your campsite during the day.

Once the battery is charged, you inflate the plastic and turn on the lamp.  The device provides a diffuse light (great for a tent night-light or reading light) and it is fully waterproof.

For all its functionality, I think the luminAID should be a part of everyone's camping stash, not to mention your home emergency kit. 

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